Monday 5 October 2015

Installing HP Cloudsystem 9.0 - Part 2

Installing HP Cloudsystem 9.0 - Part 2

This section deals with the JDBC driver you need to add to the initial Management Appliance ("ma1") to permit the deployment of the Monasca & Enterprise Appliances. Failure to do so will result in the following errors in cs-avm-manager:

If you choose Enterprise:
2015-09-21 11:14:49,267 [MainThread] ERROR    cs_avm_manager.manager Did not find required libmysql-java debian file in /boot/cloudsystem/cs-enterprise

If you deselect Enterprise:
2015-09-21 12:27:40,850 [MainThread] ERROR    cs_avm_manager.manager Did not find required libmysql-java debian file in /boot/cloudsystem/cs-monasca-controller

Now to avoid these extract the contents of the file and copy the file libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb to the appliance. I used WinSCP to upload the file to /tmp as the intended destination requires permission elevation. Then within Putty (ssh session) I can copy the file to the right path:

sudo -i
cd /boot/cloudsystem/cs-monasca-controller
cp /tmp/libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb .
chown cloudsystem:cloudsystem libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb
chmod 644 libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb
cd /boot/cloudsystem/cs-monasca-controller1/
cp /tmp/libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb .
chown cloudsystem:cloudsystem libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb
chmod 644 libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb
cd /boot/cloudsystem/cs-monasca-controller2/
cp /tmp/libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb .
chown cloudsystem:cloudsystem libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb
chmod 644 libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb

And do this for the Enterprise appliance:

cd /boot/cloudsystem/cs-enterprise
cp /tmp/libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb .
chown cloudsystem:cloudsystem libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb
chmod 644 libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb
cd /boot/cloudsystem/cs-enterprise1
cp /tmp/libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb .
chown cloudsystem:cloudsystem libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb
chmod 644 libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb
cd /boot/cloudsystem/cs-enterprise2
cp /tmp/libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb .
chown cloudsystem:cloudsystem libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb
chmod 644 libmysql-java_5.1.32-1_all.deb

Now the driver should be in all 6 folders and you're ready to go to the next step!

To speed this up, after you've entered the first 4 commands (cd/cp/chown/chmod) just up arrow 4 times and edit the destination path by adding a 1 or 2 and then for the next 3 commands up arrow 4 times, enter, repeat until you need to change the number of the folder again. Then just copy / paste the cs-enterprise folder line once, the rest in that section is the same.....

Don't forget this step or you will have to start ALL OVER AGAIN!!