Resetting the Root Password in RHEL7
This is one of the exam topics in the RHCSA exam that you should know. I've struggled with it a bit as there was no official documentation on this until July, a bit late for me! I've listed below the steps to help me recall this in future. There is also official documentation here:
Press any key at the Grub boot loader and then e to edit the default option
Scroll down to the line starting with
initrd16 and press the left arrow once until you get to the end of the line
above it ending in LANG=en_IE.UTF-8 and append as follows:
LANG=en_IE.UTF-8 init=/bin/sh
Press CTRL-X to boot and you’ll get
to a sh-4.2# prompt. Enter the following commands:
-o remount,rw /
(optional - could delay VM boot excessively)
(continue booting VM or you could power cycle VM)
Note: commands entered in the bash
prompt are not echoed to screen. I get palindrome warnings but this doesn't stop it working unless you type more than 1 character – make sure you enter a single
character as the new password only at this point you can change it again later.
root ALL=(ALL) ALL