Saturday 11 July 2015

Simple Openstack Distro

Openstack Distros

I was searching for a simple Openstack Distribution to get my head around how it operates. Many of them require a server with 64GB Ram and multiple VMs or....serveral Physical Hosts to install it on. I was hoping there was a simpler light distribution that could sit on a single VM and it seems there is. The first one I found was from the following site:

They have a quickstart page you can use to get up and running once you deploy the Linux O/S. Their system requirements are quite light and after getting the RHEL 7.1 trial installed I proceeded to get Openstack up and running thanks to their hard work!

Some Tips: found the C# ViClient wouldn't display the Console after hitting Enter on the RHEL install menu. Switched to web client and it worked ok. I used the vanilla "Server with GUI" option during the install.

Next you may need to disable NetworkManager but I think the issue is now fixed if you pull down the latest RedHat subscription updates. Follow RDO Projects quickstart guide here for the rest:

Some commands I needed to use are listed below

subscription-manager repos --list | more
sudo yum update -y
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
yum install -y python-werkzeug
sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install -y openstack-packstack
packstack --allinone

I found I needed to enable some extra Repositories. Before doing so I had errors regarding missing dependencies of Python. The steps above should get you through it. Once the install completes successfully, open the web page http:// <ip address of vm> /dashboard
Username : admin
Password: in your home directory file keystonerc_admin

My one is:
The view is below:

Now, Set up a keypair to play with the default cirrus instance or it will fail to deploy and you won't be allowed to delete it! You can install virt-manager to see more info. If you're getting stuck reboot the VM and check all the service are started, clean down any stuck instances and try again:
Admin/System Information/Compute Services etc

Now to run the Openstack commands go to where that password file is and copy it:

cp keystonerc_admin

And now execute the command below:


You should now be able to use Openstack commands for instance:

glance image-list
neutron net-list / port-list / subnet-list
nova hypervisor-list
keystone user-list

Note: My install seemed to fail shortly after installing, might be just my environment but play around and see how you get on. Just giving fair warning!